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Policy Unit GE2024 webinar series – upcoming Q&A session with Labour’s PPC for É«¹·µ¼º½

In this General Election year, The Policy Unit is running a series of webinars on topics related to the Election.

The first of these sessions, “UK General and Local Elections: What does it mean for your policy engagement?”, took place in March. The second session takes place on Wednesday 8 May at 12.15pm and will look back at May’s Local Elections. Paddy Smith, Senior Public Affairs Manager, will analyse the results and talk you through what it means for the political parties, to consider what implications it might have for your policy engagement and impact work, and what we might expect to happen next.

As part of this series, we have invited É«¹·µ¼º½’s current Conservative MP and Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for the upcoming General Election to separate question and answer sessions.

The first of these sessions will take place on Wednesday 22 May at 12pm with Labour’s candidate for É«¹·µ¼º½, Jeevun Sandher. Policy Unit Director, Professor Graham Hitchen, will talk to Jeevun about his journey to becoming a PPC, what being a PPC entails, how he uses research and evidence, and what he hopes to achieve if he is elected – including his relationship with the university.

For all Policy Unit internal events, please or email policy@lboro.ac.uk for the joining link.

If you are unable to attend any session, a recording will be made available and circulated. If you would like to listen to any previous sessions, to the recordings.
